
Paper on Soft Robots

August 26, 2022

Anuruddha’s paper on Soft Robots was accepted for publication in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics! An early version of the accepted paper is available online here.

Congratulations Suraj and Hossein!

August 26, 2022

Congratulations to Suraj and Hossein, who both successfully defended their PhD dissertations in Spring 2022! Suraj walked at the 2022 Commencement, but Hossein was already in Michigan for his new job at Iris Technology.

Paper on Freeze Casting

August 26, 2022

Congrats to Josh Fernquist from Dr. Steven Naleway’s group on his publication on controlling freeze cast structures using oscillating magnetic fields! [J. R. Fernquist, H. C. Fu, S. E. Naleway. “Improved structural and mechanical performance of iron oxide scaffolds freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields.” Ceramics International, 48, 15034-15042 (2022). pdf ]

Paper on copepod sensing

October 5, 2021

In collaboration with Xinhui Shen, Xin Yao, and Marcos at Nanyang Technological University, we have published a new paper on whether copepods can use their feeding currents to help them detect prey, by sensing when passive particles disturb the feeding current. [X. Shen, X. Yao, Marcos, H. C. Fu.  “Can the mechanoreceptional setae of a […]

Paper on symmetry breaking propulsion

March 10, 2021

In collaboration with Louis Rogowski and MinJun Kim’s group at Southern Methodist University, and Jim Wilking at Montana State University, we have published a paper on the “Symmetry Breaking Propulsion of Magnetic Microspheres in Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Fluids” in Nature Communications. This paper was featured as a Nature Communications Editors’ Highlight .   [L. W. Rogowski, […]

New NSF award

July 13, 2020

We received funding from the National Science Foundation for the project “Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Diversity of Bacterial Flagellation and Motility Through Mechanics.” This project hopes to understand whether flagellar dynamics during swimming can explain why there are so many different types of flagellar arrangements in bacteria. It is a collaborative project with Prof. Jeff […]

New student Ludivine Sanchez-Arias

June 24, 2020

A belated welcome to Ludi, who joined our research group as a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering in Fall 2019!  Ludi will be be working on zooplankton hydrodynamics, especially their interactions with other particles, prey, and predators.

Paper on numerical methods for inextensible filaments

June 23, 2020

Mehdi has published a paper detailing a new, efficient method to calculate the deformations of inextensible filaments in viscous flows. [M. Jabbarzadeh, H. C. Fu, “A numerical method for inextensible elastic filaments in viscous fluids.” Journal of Computational Physics, 418, 109643 (2020). pdf]

Paper on magnetic microrobots

June 23, 2020

Kiarash and coauthors have published a paper showing how magnetic properties of real materials lead to a new physical limit on the propulsion of rotated microrobots.  The results are especially relevant to soft magnetic microrobots.  This paper was selected as an Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review Fluids. [K. Samsami, S. A. Mirbagheri, F. Meshkati, H. […]

Paper on microrobotic swarm control

June 23, 2020

BhanuKiran and co-authors in the Abbott group have published a paper on swarm control using population-based metrics.  This paper will be presented at ICRA 2020. [BhanuKiran Chaluvadi, Kristen M. Stewart, Adam J. Sperry, Henry C. Fu, and Jake J. Abbott, “Kinematic model of a magnetic-microrobot swarm in a rotating magnetic dipole field.” IEEE Robotics and […]