New student Ludivine Sanchez-Arias

A belated welcome to Ludi, who joined our research group as a Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering in Fall 2019!  Ludi will be be working on zooplankton hydrodynamics, especially their interactions with other particles, prey, and predators.

Paper on numerical methods for inextensible filaments

Mehdi has published a paper detailing a new, efficient method to calculate the deformations of inextensible filaments in viscous flows. [M. Jabbarzadeh, H. C. Fu, “A numerical method for inextensible elastic filaments in viscous fluids.” Journal of Computational Physics, 418, 109643 (2020). pdf]

Paper on magnetic microrobots

Kiarash and coauthors have published a paper showing how magnetic properties of real materials lead to a new physical limit on the propulsion of rotated microrobots.  The results are especially relevant to soft magnetic microrobots.  This paper was selected as an Editors’ Suggestion in Physical Review Fluids. [K. Samsami, S. A. Mirbagheri, F. Meshkati, H. C. Fu, “Saturation and coercivity limit the velocity of rotating active magnetic microparticles.” Physical Review Fluids, 5, 064202 (2020). pdf]

Paper on microrobotic swarm control

BhanuKiran and co-authors in the Abbott group have published a paper on swarm control using population-based metrics.  This paper will be presented at ICRA 2020. [BhanuKiran Chaluvadi, Kristen M. Stewart, Adam J. Sperry, Henry C. Fu, and Jake J. Abbott, “Kinematic model of a magnetic-microrobot swarm in a rotating magnetic dipole field.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5, 2419 (2020). pdf]

Paper on stability of soft magnetic microrobots

Kiarash and collaborators published a paper on soft magnetic microrobots in a special issue of Fluids, “Advances in Biological Flows and Biomimetics.” [K. Samsami, S. A. Mirbagheri, F. Meshkati, H. C. Fu., “Stability of soft magnetic helical microrobots.” Fluids, 5, 19 (2020). pdf ]

Paper on copepod sensing

Xinhui, Marcos, and Henry published a paper on how the physics of bending seta influence the ability of copepods to sense different hydrodynamic signals. [X. Shen, Marcos, H. C. Fu, “How the bending mechanics of setae modulate hydrodynamic sensing in copepods.” Limnology and Oceanography, 65, 749 (2020). pdf]