
New PhD students join the lab!

August 9, 2018

New PhD students Suraj Kamarapu and Hossein Moghimifam joined the lab in Fall 2017!  We are happy to have them with us!

JD publishes on autonomously responsive pumping by bacterial flagella

August 9, 2018

JD has published a paper on using the polymorphic transformations of bacterial flagella to create a flagellar forest which can change pumping directions autonomously in response to environmental cues.  This work was inspired by our collaboration with MinJun Kim’s group at Southern Methodist University. [J. D. Martindale and H. C. Fu, , “Autonomously responsive pumping […]

Publication on boundary effects on swimming

August 9, 2018

Xinhui Shen, Marcos, and Fu have published a paper on using boundary tractions to undersetand the effects of boundaries on microswimmers. Xinhui is a PhD student at Nanyang Technological University advised by Marcos. [X. Shen, Marcos, and H. C. Fu. “Traction reveals mechanisms of wall effects for microswimmers near boundaries.” Phys. Rev. E 95033105 (2017).pdf]

Mehdi’s new publication in Science Advances!

November 16, 2016

University of Utah mechanical engineering Ph.D. student Mehdi Jabbarzadeh’s paper “Helical and rod-shaped bacteria swim in helical trajectories with little additional propulsion from helical shape” has been published in Science Advances!  The paper was published in collaboration with Rama Bansil’s group at Boston University.  [M. A. Constantino, M. Jabbarzadeh, H. C. Fu, and R. Bansil, […]

Modular Microrobotics paper in the news again

August 8, 2016

Our recent paper on Modular Microrobotics in Scientific Reports was written up by the American Physical Society Physics Central website (http://physicscentral.org/explore/plus/microswimmers.cfm).

Modular Microrobots Paper in the News

August 1, 2016

The LiveScience website published an article on our recent Scientific Reports paper on Modular Microrobotics: http://www.livescience.com/55610-magnetic-microbead-chain-robots.html. Thanks to Greg Uyeno for writing the piece!

Farshad’s new publication in Scientific Reports!

July 28, 2016

University of Nevada, Reno mechanical engineering Ph.D. student Farshad Meshkati paper “Versatile microrobotics using simple modular subunits” has been published in Nature Scientific Reports!  The paper was published in collaboration with MinJun Kim’s group at Drexel/SMU.  [U. K. Cheang, F. Meshkati, H. Kim, K. Lee, H. C. Fu and M. J. Kim, “Versatile microrobotics using […]