Paper on Soft Robots

Anuruddha’s paper on Soft Robots was accepted for publication in Bioinspiration and Biomimetics! An early version of the accepted paper is available online here.

Congratulations Suraj and Hossein!

Congratulations to Suraj and Hossein, who both successfully defended their PhD dissertations in Spring 2022! Suraj walked at the 2022 Commencement, but Hossein was already in Michigan for his new job at Iris Technology.

Paper on Freeze Casting

Congrats to Josh Fernquist from Dr. Steven Naleway’s group on his publication on controlling freeze cast structures using oscillating magnetic fields! [J. R. Fernquist, H. C. Fu, S. E. Naleway. “Improved structural and mechanical performance of iron oxide scaffolds freeze cast under oscillating magnetic fields.” Ceramics International, 48, 15034-15042 (2022). pdf ]