and undergraduate classes and acts as the graduate program director for the ME program. He has mentored over 17 undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral scientist.
Fu Receives Regent’s Rising Research Award

Dr. Henry Fu was awarded the 2016 University of Nevada, Reno Regent’s Rising Researcher Award. Fu obtained a B.A. (summa cum laude) in Chemistry and Physics with Mathematics minor from Harvard University in 2000, a Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics from Cambridge University (UK) in 2001, and his PhD in Physics from University of California at Berkeley in 2006. He conducted his Postdoctoral Research in the Division of Engineering at Brown University. In 2010, he joined the University of Nevada, Reno as an assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He has published 26 papers with an H-Index of 15. At UNR, he has obtained >$1.6M in competitive research funding from the National Science Foundation via 5 grants including the prestigious NSF CAREER. He teaches both graduate